
Here is how I can help. 

One-on-One Coaching

As a certified John Maxwell coach, I understand your perspective and aim to provide a more empowering approach. My coaching involves foreseeing, paving the way, and supporting you in achieving goals and overcoming limiting paradigms, while also guiding you through current challenges.

Set up a Discovery Call

Business and Leadership Speaking

I offer customized presentations to fit your individual or team’s needs and budget such as:

-10-minute briefing
-“Lunch and Learn”
-Keynote speech for your company-sponsored event
-Half-day and full-day workshop/seminar
-In-house corporate training

I will enhance team communication, structure, and leadership through goal-setting and communication exercises, fostering cohesiveness and boosting productivity within your team.

Group and Executive Training

The series encourages lifelong learning and continuous growth through Mastermind groups and one-on-one Executive Coaching. These groups and sessions provide energy, commitment, and excitement, offering peer brainstorming, education, accountability, and support to sharpen business and personal skills. They provide fresh ideas and different perspectives, enabling success.

The Leadership Game

The John Maxwell Leadership Game is a powerful assessment tool for Mentorship Members to enhance their leadership skills. It is an interactive and edifying tool that helps assess communication, address difficult topics, and identify strengths and weaknesses. Through thought-provoking questions, individual reflection, and ideological debates, the game helps groups understand each other better, leading to improved performance. The game is available through online videos and ongoing support calls, making it suitable for Executive Boards, C-Teams, small businesses, and large businesses. As a John Maxwell Team Mentorship Member, this opportunity is unique in the world.

Our Personal Growth and Leadership Tools

The Leadership Game

The Leadership Game is a 2 hour interactive experience designed to engage participants in the questions, discussion, debate and idea sharing that help foster belonging, bonding and believing - the essentials for team growth and development.

Book Session Now

Discover Your Values

Values Card session will help you: Clarify your values and what is important to you and your organization. Examine how your top Strengths influence your core values and build strengths-based teams.

Transformation Session

Discover the power of your tomorrow Now! In this session, you will experience transformation and come out with actionable steps today for a better tomorrow!

Let's Have Your First Session!

"Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Albert Einstein